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- Theta Sigma Tau -
The Crimson - 1954

[Click on image to see a larger version in a separate window]
Front row:
R. Gertenrich, T. Poulette, D. Cochrane, D. Harmon, W. Delzell
Second row:
R. Major, D. Taebel, W. Weinkauf, B. Anderson, G. Wojtasik, A. Heston, J. Wagner
Third row:
The copy of the yearbook we have does not name anyone in the back row, and appears to miss at least one person in the other rows ... help?

Theta Sigma Tau celebrated its forty-fourth anniversary by maintaining itself as one of Ripon's top fraternities.

Homecoming was well celebrated with our "Ripon wins an-udder" float and an equally interesting house decoration. The alumni banquet, as usual, was most enjoyable, with many alumni returning to campus.

Once again, Theta upheld its reputation for fine parties. Our "Shipwreck Party" was a great success, along with numerous other social gatherings.

Theta's theatrical ability was well shown in our participation in theater productions. George Wojtasik had a leading role in "Midsummer Night's Dream," along with Wilson Delzell, Dave Cochrane, Dick Schuster, Bill Weinkauf and Russel Major. Another theater production, "R.U.R.," found George Wojtasik and Jim Wagner among the cast. Once again, Ver Adest returned to the campus and Theta again was well represented. Bill Whittle was a principal, Bill Delzell a member of the sextet and Chan Kraus, Bill Jensen, Barry Anderson, and Bill Weinkauf members of the unit dancers. Dave Cochrane was business manager of the show.

Theta men were prominent in athletics this year, with Tony Cremerius, Ed Kirkbride and John Kahoun participating in football and track. Theta also finished as co-champs of intramural bowling.

The college choir was well filled with Theta men - Bill Delzell, Chan Kraus, Barry Anderson, Dave Cochrane, Bill Weinkauf, George Stone and Dane Larsen. Del Taebel was editor-in-chief of the College Days with George Wojtasik, John Pastar and Bill Whittle as feature writers.

As in the past, Theta acquired an excellent pledge class, which took part in both campus and fraternity activities. The pledge period and Hell Week were brought to an end by a formal initiation followed by a banquet in honor of the new members.

Theta added another honoray[sic] member during the year in the person of Charles Svitavsky, an instructor in English.


House Officers

[Click on image to see a larger version in a separate window]
Left to right:
David Cochrane, Secretary; Bill Jensen, Treasurer; Thomas Poulette, President; and Dan Harmon, Vice-President


[Click on image to see a larger version in a separate window]
Front row:
R. Rauschenberg, J. Pastar, S. Polansky, T. Turner, D. Fleur
Back row:
G. Stone, L. Coffel, R. Larson, T. Cremerius


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